
Shedd Family


Densmore Family

Fleming Family

Morris / Litton Family

Shedd Family

Wheeler Family

Closson, Andrew Valentine
Closson, Andrew Valentine Family
Closson, Andrew Valentine Death certificate
Closson, Claes Eric & Marta Linston
Closson & Shedd Familys
Koonce Family
Lampman's Arrive in the Colonies
Lampman's Arrive in the Colonies
Morse, Anthony
Morse, Anthony - Additional
Pratt, Susan Carol - Obituary
Ragland, Mary Remembrance
Shead, Helen Biography
Shed, Daniel Biography
Shed, Daniel Memorial Re-Dedication
Shed, Daniel Comes to New England
Family Reunion Poem - Lonnie Mair
Shedd Association Meeting - 1912
Shedd, Joseph - Patriot
Shedd, Manly & Sarah
Shedd, Mike - Obituary
Shedd, Rachael - 2002 All-America
Shedd, Sarah E. (Closson) Obituary
Shedd, Sally (Morse)
Shedd, William Nelson
Shedd, William Jr.
Smith, Terry
Smith, Terry Obituary
Smith, Terry Remembrance

Family Histories

Shedd Family



Wheeler Family



Morris Family



April 10, 2013

On the Occasion of the Shed Family Reunion

by Lonnie Mair

Ten years ago we were privileged to attend at least an impromptu Shed family reunion and enjoyed it immensely. As much as we would like to be there this year, the expenses of our recent move this year, combined with our recent medical challenges preclude that possibility.

The Shed Family:

Families not only create the fabric that becomes the tapestry of history.
The Shed name, originally de shedy, probably, Norman, came into England's history,
Shortly after 1066, following William's triumph over England, changing English history.
The family dynamic was now not just angle, saxon, but possibly of Norman history.

The most relevant branch for our purposes of the transplanted tree,
The many progeny of Manly and Sarah Shed tree,
The extensive grafted extensions of the old strong root tree,
The Smiths, The Mose's, The Wheeler's, The Ragland's, The Mair's, The Koonce's,
Then the second, third generation, the many cousins, and more!

The strength of the family traits shows up o'er and o'er, despite differences,
Not the least of which are the familial bonds which, despite differences,
Keep showing up in friendly smile, or the strength to bind us together despite differences,
With a willingness to listen, to share, to consider, to evaluate, to decide!

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