Delphi is one of the most prominent archaeological sites of Greece. In antiquity the oracle that was located here had a most influential role in the political life of Greece, and not only in Greece. Everyone knew about the celebrated oracle and people arrived from every corner of the then known world to receive advice from the priestess of Apollo.

Topography: Delphi is hidden in the heart of Phocis - Central Greece - in a wild and at the same time dreamy landscape, which maintains the nostalgic echo of its eminent past. At 573 m. (1833 ft.) above sea level, it is hewn on the southern side of the precipitous Phaedriades, two immense rocks of Mt. Parnassus that combine with the Delphic Gorge beneath to form the most dramatic setting for the sanctuary of the son of mighty Zeus.

The myth: Zeus fell in love with Leto, daughter of a Titan, and eventually he left her pregnant. The girl wandered alone and desperate for months. No place would receive her to give birth to her children. She finally came to the island of Delos, and there she gave birth to Apollo and Artemis. Apollo then left. He traveled and had many adventures, until one day he reached Mt. Parnassus, where Delphi stands today. He slew the Python, a huge serpent, guardian of the holy land of Gaea, and conquered the area, replacing the old matriarchal deities. Here he established his cult in the oracle whose glory was to reach the ends of the earth.

Did you know that:

People in antiquity believed that Delphi was the center of the world.
The cult of Apollo in Delphi began around 800 B.C. and went on until the end of the Roman times, thus for more than a thousand years.
The prophecies of the oracle were many times ambiguous. But they were usually correct, logical and intended to uphold moral values and to promote man's advancement.
Dionysus, God of wine, was also worshipped in Delphi.


Amphictyony: A religious union, which later developed into a political league of cities that protected the oracle and each other's interests. This league was the first attempt to achieve a peaceful solution to differences between states.
Oracle: 1) The person that predicts the future.
  2) The temple where the prophecy is given.
  3) The prophecy itself.
Pythia: the priestess of Apollo in Delphi.
Omphalos: the navel-shaped stone-altar of Apollo that symbolizes the center of the earth.
