Dan & Jean Wheeler
The Four Seasons |
EZ Address For This Web Page -
www.Seasons.DanWheeler.us |
Herman, Missouri & Covered Bridges, 1981 |
Council Grove & Lindsborg, Kansas, April 1989 |
Watkins Mill, 1983 |
Ameripex Stamp
Show - Chicago, Illinois - 1986 |
Out To Dinner |
Traveling Rural Missouri, 1988 |
Weekend At The Lake, 1988 |
The Cosmosphere, Hutchinson & The Adobe House,
Hillsboro, Kansas - 1989 |
Roark, Branson, Missouri - November 1990 |
Southeast Iowa, May 29-31, 1992 |
JoCoMo - June 1992 |
Curio's - June 1993 |
Southeast Kansas - Fort Scott, West Mineral
(Big Brutus), Precious Moments |
Most of these
pictures are from Carolyn Williams Picture Albums |